Dance Convention season is quickly approaching and soon you’ll be thinking about what to wear. Picking out the right outfit for this super fun occasion can be exciting, but there’s more to it than throwing a leotard and tights into your suitcase. Here are some tips to help you find the right outfit for you.
RULE 1 (and this is the only rule)
Wear something that expresses you! You want to represent yourself at a convention so whether you wear a custom-made neon leotard or basketball shorts and t-shirt, you want to make sure the outfit fits you as a person. You will dance and perform better if you’re wearing something you feel good in!

Suggestion A: Wear Bright Colors
In a sea of dancers, bright colors really pop. Whether it’s neon pink, orange or chartreuse; a pop of color will draw attention to you. Just be aware, if neon pink is the ‘in” color this year, try to go with something less popular.
Suggestion B: Wear a Custom made Leotard
Custom-made Leotard’s are not that hard to find. Check out Etsy for a plethora of options. The dance world is small, and our leotard options feel even smaller sometimes. We’ve all seen the catalog costumes a million times. A custom-made leotard can have unique cut-outs or color combinations that make a teacher take a second look. Having something unique on will make you stand out.

Suggestion C: Wear clothing related to the style of dance
Envision yourself looking fabulous in a custom made leotard and the Hip Hop teacher walks in. Throw on a pair of sweats, a flannel shirt, and sneakers so you can look the part for Hip Hop class. Not only does it show the teacher that you respect this style, it also shows a level of effort that does not go unnoticed.
Suggestion D: Consider Leggings
Ballroom carpeting can cause rug burns or itchy skin. If you’re sensitive to the filaments in carpet or just want to avoid red burning knees, consider wearing leggings instead of shorts.
Suggestion E: Bring all your dance shoes
Having the correct shoes for each style will go a long way in your performance and presentation. It is especially important to bring tap shoes if the convention offers tap. Also, if you happen to excel at this style, feel free to bring a tap board so your sounds can be heard. There’s nothing that impresses a teacher more than this type of preparation.

What NOT to wear
Don’t wear clothes that strip away your individuality
Wearing a black leotard and tights with all your besties from your studio will not help you stand out. Even wearing all the same color neon shirts will not help. Be yourself and don’t be afraid to be different.
Don’t wear your Dance School’s Team Jacket in class
Please wear your jacket with pride during award ceremonies, but I recommend ditching it while dancing. For starters, it can be restricting but it also makes it hard for a teacher to identify you as an individual (unless you’re the only one in the whole room wearing a jacket).
Don’t wear clothes that are wrong for the style you’re taking
Hip Hop is hard to pull off in a leotard, tights, and sneakers.

Don’t wear clothes that don’t fit right
Constantly pulling or tugging on an outfit because it moves around when you dance or is too tight is distracting and you’ll miss out on nuances in the lessons.
Don’t wear clothes you’re not comfortable in
If you’re not comfortable in a 2 piece, don’t wear a sports bra. You’ll dance better and feel better in a t-shirt or tank top. Again, be yourself so you can dance your best.
Don’t wear a sparkly dance costume
This is not the time to pull out your adorable feathered and rhinestoned costume from last year’s solo. You might want to be noticed but this type of outfit screams newbie.

Bonus tip
You may want to bring scissors if the convention uses numbers to identify dancers. Many times the numbers handed out are huge and take up a lot of real estate on your outfit. Cropping the number so it’s smaller is just one more thing you can do to look prepared.
Don’t Forget
At the end of the day, the most important thing to remember is that you’re going to a convention to learn not to be picked out by teachers. Being prepared with your clothing can help you look more like a seasoned convention attendee and help you dance more confidently. I cannot stress how important it is to be uniquely YOU!
Enjoy your dance journey and feel free to send me pictures of your favorite convention outfit.
Nichole Fortunato
Excel in Motion, Co-owner
Elite Performance Challenge, Co-owner