Envision this scenario: you worked hard on your solo all year long, then you got up on stage and NAILED it! It was the best you’ve ever danced, your turns were on, you didn’t wobble in your leg extension, and you were completely engrossed in the storytelling. Now you’re sitting onstage, ready for awards, and…
Category: Tips
Tips to clean dance costumes
At this point, you’re either into your competition season or done with it so let’s talk about cleaning your dance costumes. It’s good to have everything fresh and clean for the recital or resale. How to remove butt glue To remove butt glue from costumes, try using rubbing alcohol, baby oil, or a mixture of equal…
How to handle gossip in dance
I read everyday and in the current book I’m reading, Business Made Simple by Donald Miller, the author states there are two predictors of success. I’m paraphrasing here, but his predictors are essentially: Successful skills.1. The Hero mentality. If someone has a hero perspective they can take on challenges and overcome difficult situations. If someone…
How to take GREAT headshots
I’ve seen hundreds of headshots cross my desk in the past couple of years and some tend to stand out more than others. If you want an eye-popping headshot that really draws attention, here are some simple tips to achieve that! Hope this helps! Nichole Fortunato, Director & Co-OwnerElite Performance ChallengeExcel in Motion
Competition Checklist
Here’s a quick checklist of everything you need for competition. Feel free to share this with your friends to help remind them what they need to bring! Always remember, your friends are worth more than a trophy! Be humble if you score high. Be gracious if you score low. Congratulate your teammates and other teams….
Make the most of competition with these 7 ideas
We are all extremely excited about competition! You’ve worked hard and you’ve prepped everything, but don’t forget about the day of to-do list. Here’s some ideas for competition day. Stretch! A nice warm-up is sometimes missed in lieu of jumping right into splits (yikes). If you don’t have time to run a full warm-up at least…
3 Keys to having a successful competition season
Competition season is here and you probably have so much going on you can barely sleep. While you’re busy making sure all the costumes are set and choreography is ready, your dance families may (or may not) have any idea what is about to go down. Although you know just about everything there is to know…
Dance Competition Etiquette
Sometimes we’re so busy getting ready for competition, we forget that this crazy, insane, amazing event is new to some clients. Even our experienced clients can use a reminder. Below are 10 etiquette rules we feel will help everyone have a more enjoyable experience. Please feel free to share this with your clients and students….
How Performance effects Progress
It’s the start of the year and your students will be onstage competing in the blink of an eye. By the time the kids step on stage you will have practiced their routines over, and over, and over. You’ve prepped them for music problems, set an early call time, and given them every correction you…
How to be the BEST YOU at dance competitions!
When it comes to competition there is more than one way to be the best. Sure, there is scoring first in your division or first in overall, but those don’t mean anything if you can’t celebrate the win with the people closest to you. Below are some suggestions to get the most out of your…