We are all extremely excited about competition! You’ve worked hard and you’ve prepped everything, but don’t forget about the day of to-do list. Here’s some ideas for competition day.

Stretch! A nice warm-up is sometimes missed in lieu of jumping right into splits (yikes). If you don’t have time to run a full warm-up at least do some jumping jacks and basic stretching before hitting your splits.

Do Barre before competition. Getting a barre routine in will help you focus and bring awareness to your technique.

Run your dances – It’s always a good idea to run dances before going onstage (as long as time allows). Just make sure you’re not holding up competition. Judges and competition coordinators like to see dancers be responsible and courteous. You may not be able to run your dance right before you go onstage because of a quick change, but you should try to plan ahead and make sure you’ve run the dances that day.

Group moment to focus energy. Stand in a circle, hold hands, and take a moment to pause. Find time to calm your mind and focus on the routine. This also helps pull groups together and strengthen studio bonds.

Take pictures. Have fun taking pictures in front of the competition banner and don’t forget to show team spirit by tagging your studio!

Make Tik Toks – Make sure to capture these moments so you’ll always have something to look back on! Just make sure not to take videos in the bathroom or dressing room.

Watch other dances from your studio. Whether you’re the oldest kids or youngest kids, you should all cheer each other on. Help build a stronger studio by supporting each other!

Pro tip: Even though we’re all here for a competition, the goal is to grow and learn. For a great experience remember not to talk badly about teammates or other schools and have good competition etiquette!
Nichole Fortunato, Director & Co-Owner
Elite Performance Challenge
Excel in Motion