The new dance season has either already started for you or is about to start. As we begin contemplating exciting new choreography, we also get to start thinking about exciting new costumes. Below are some of our predictions for trending costumes this season!

Costume 1: Strappy costumes have been hot for a while and this style doesn’t seem to be losing speed. Just like hair braids, we expect this look to continue trending. Pair this style with a BarbieCore hot pink and you’ve got a winning combination for this season!

Costume 2: We’re predicting the one sleeved costume to be a big trend this year. The A-symmetrical design of this costume is very balanced and the rhinestone pattern outlines the costume in a way that highlights that A-symmetry!

Costume 3: This costume does a nice job of bridging the gap between jazz costume and rhythmic gymnastics costume. We love seeing some rhythmic inspiration as those costumes’ patterns are more flowing and circular than most jazz costumes. Just look at the beautiful sweeping lines across this costume!

Costume 4: Animal print is always trending in dance but add some beaded fringe and we’re even more in love. The spotted pattern on top with the straight lines of the fringe on the bottom, is the perfect amount of contrast!

Costume 5: This beautiful blue costume could almost fall into the Lyrical category except the edgy, straight lined rhinestone detailing made us feel like it fit into the Jazz category better. The soft round edges of the multi-colored flower pattern are the exact opposite of the sharp straight lines of the single-colored spiky pattern. We LOVE the juxtaposition of this detailing!

Costume 6: The round circular pattern over the left breast area is a fun contrast to the straight diagonal columns of rhinestones on the other side. We also love the mix of gold and silver details. Don’t forget to check out the pattern on the sleeves too. This is a perfect combination of round and sharp imagery!

Costume 7: Here’s another example of a costume that has been on trend for several seasons. We love the straps on the top and we’re predicting BarbieCore pink to be the hottest color on stage this year!

Costume 8: Wow, Wow, Wow! This costume has it all: bright popping yellow, swooping straps, mesh, rhinestones, and statement making large rhinestones. Love this costume!
We can’t wait to see what you’ll be wearing this season. Keep an eye out for our other predictions for Hip Hop, Lyrical, and Contemporary!
Written by: Nichole Fortunato