Envision this scenario: you worked hard on your solo all year long, then you got up on stage and NAILED it! It was the best you’ve ever danced, your turns were on, you didn’t wobble in your leg extension, and you were completely engrossed in the storytelling. Now you’re sitting onstage, ready for awards, and you know this is going to be the time your dance is finally rewarded.
But, that doesn’t happen. You end up placing the adjudication (medal) lower than your teammates. It’s crushing. Then one of your friends makes the Top 10 Overalls and they fell on their butt out of a turn. You don’t understand it and your teacher can’t explain it either. How do you find happiness in this scenario?

- Remind yourself you are so much more than a trophy. This was three judge’s opinions. Any other set of judges would have resulted in different scoring.

- Cultivate techniques to manage stress. Try taking deep breaths, think of positive thoughts, and put a smile on your face. Finding a way to calm your mind, will help your body relax too.

- Try not to compare yourself to your teammates. I know it’s hard not too when your friend fell during their dance, but you don’t know what these particular judges were looking for. There could be SO many things that stood out to the judges about your friend. Instead of comparing scores, try to think about things you can work on to improve. This gives you more control of the situation.

- Practice Gratitude. Try to put your feelings about your solo aside and be happy for your team. You should be proud that you belong to a strong team. A win for your school is a win for you because EVERYONE IS IMPORTANT on a team. Even if it’s a solo section (instead of group) being a good sport about your score will help the team be stronger.

- Focus on the positive. You know better than anyone else how much you’ve grown. Think about the new skills you’ve learned, know in your heart if it was your best performance and try to think about everything you did well.

- Have a growth mindset. There is always something we can work on to grow. If you focus on being the best YOU, it will eventually reflect in your score. Find what you’re naturally best at and build on that, but don’t forget that everyone needs strong technique too.
Hope this helps navigate the emotional obstacle course that goes along with any competition. Remember, your most powerful asset to being successful is your mind. Try to think positive thoughts and never give up!
Nichole Fortunato, Director & Co-Owner
Elite Performance Challenge
Excel In Motion